How to Separate 洗衣 (和 Other Secrets to 洗衣 Success)


有时我们需要快速思考,换一件衣服——或者三件. 首先,你早上做瑜伽,然后工作,然后吃午饭,下午喝咖啡. Even after all that, there’s still a stop at soccer practice, a dinner with your parents, 和 a late-night Target run before you 最后 get to slip on your pajamas 和 slide into your long-awaited sheets. 

That’s a lot of wardrobe changes, 和 before you know it you have a mountain of multicolored clothes, 哪一个, 当然, leads us to your weekend agenda: figuring out 如何 to separate laundry.

知道如何区分衣物的不同颜色和面料是一项特殊的技能,但它对保持衣物的光泽和面料的耐用性至关重要. 幸运的是, we have the tips to help make your laundry day successful, from separating your lights 和 darks to choosing the best eco-conscious laundry detergent.

How to Properly Separate 洗衣

让你的衣服和亚麻布保持最佳状态的诀窍是知道 如何 to wash them 和 哪一个 pieces can be washed together. 

幸运的是,把要洗的衣服分开并分类并不难. 一般来说,它可以通过四个简单的步骤来完成,我们将在下面介绍:

  1. Read the label
  2. Separate by fabric 和 type
  3. Separate by color
  4. Separate by soil level

用这四个步骤正确地分类和分离你的衣服,确保每一只袜子都干净, 三通, 毛巾, 和 sheet stays crisp 和 vibrant as long as possible.

Step 1: Read the Label

你知道吗?实际上,大多数衣服都有自己的洗涤指南? 没错,缝在你衣服上的小标签包含了让你的衣服在洗涤过程中保持最佳状态的所有秘密.


  • Fabric type 和 content
  • Machine wash temperature
  • Bleach tolerance
  • Ironing guidelines
  • Recommended dryer cycle
  • Dry cleaning or h和-washing necessity

这些事实中的大多数甚至在国际洗衣护理符号(那些神秘的圆圈)中都有描述, 三角形, 和正方形),你可以通过一点学习和练习一眼就能看出来.

One factor we can go ahead 和 cross off that list? Machine wash temperature. Thanks to advances in detergent 和 washer technology, nearly all laundry can be done using cold water. 这也有节省电力和延长你的衣服和可洗衣物的寿命的双重好处.

As you start to sort that mountain into several smaller piles of clothes, 重要的是,你首先要检查一件衣服是否能忍受机洗. If the care label indicates 洗手 or Dry Clean Only, 把衣服放在一边,送到当地的干洗店(最好是环保干洗店)。, or to wash it by h和. 


For the remaining items, move on to step two.


Step 2: Separate by Fabric or Type

就像你整理你的衣柜来帮助你选择最适合你日常活动的搭配一样, 你还需要根据织物类型对可洗衣物进行分类. 这 doesn’t mean that you need to scrutinize the 确切的 fabric content or use of each item. 而不是, 我们建议您将可机洗的衣物按不同的面料分类:


  • Bed linens 和 毛巾s -因为它们的尺寸(并且倾向于扭曲和纠结在你的小衣服上), it’s best to wash bulky items separately.
  • 牛仔布 – Can denim jeans be paired with (gasp) a denim shirt? The question on 如何 to wash it is just as contentious. However, a few things are certain. You’ll want to turn them inside out 和 wash on delicate with cold water. It’s also a good idea to wash them separately. Due to their heavy fabric 和 tendency to hold water 和 shed indigo dye, jeans 和 other denim items can affect your other clothing.
  • Delicates 和 knits -机洗精致的衣物和针织品有将织物拉伸变形的风险, or even snagging 和 tearing them on other items. To prevent this, 我们建议你总是用网眼洗涤袋洗涤你的衣服和针织品, separate from other items, 和 on your machine’s gentlest cycle.
  • 运动服 – We like to wash activewear with an enzyme detergent like ECOS Hypoallergenic 洗衣 洗涤剂 with Enzymes 这将有助于打破内表面的油和污垢的结合.
  • 休闲 – 这 pile will likely be your largest each week, 从你的睡衣和t恤,到那些可爱的动物印花袜子,再到那条你每天都迫不及待想穿的运动裤. Your casual laundry also includes everyday clothes like khakis, 运动衫, cotton jackets, 和 durable synthetic clothing. Usually, these items can be washed on a regular machine setting.

Step 3: Separate by Color

Want whites like snow 和 brights that don’t fade? 把衣服按颜色分开是防止洗衣机里那些不受欢迎的颜色变化的黄金门票. 


一般来说,这一步只适用于休闲服装,因为这是你最大的和最多样化的堆. But to keep those color tones as on-point as your sense of style, 知道如何洗白色衣服和如何洗彩色衣服都是在把它们放进洗衣机之前要了解的非常重要的步骤.


  • 白人 – 这 means pure white items, not pale shades of colors. (Don’t worry, there’s a place for them too.)
  • load will contain your pale 和 pastel clothing. Though these do have some pigment, 较浅的颜色意味着它们不能和鲜艳或深色的衣服一起洗,因为它们可能会把颜色转移到洗涤水中. 
  • Brights 和 darks – In general, brights 和 darks can be washed together. 十大彩票网赌平台如何洗有色衣服的注意事项是,你应该第一次单独洗亮色或深色的衣服,以确保大部分多余的染料都被洗掉了.


Step Four: Separate by Soil Level

The next step is to pull out any items that have been soiled. 

  • 重的土壤 – These items are extra dirty 和 might benefit from pre-soaking, spot-treating, or an extra rinse cycle to remove:
    • 污垢
    • 油  
  • 常规的土壤 – 这 is everything else. 简单,对?


在你把衣服扔进洗衣机之前,确保你研究了如何去除衣服上的油渍和其他属于重土类的顽固污渍, such as by pre-treating them with our ECOS OxoBrite Multi-Purpose Stain Remover


这是排序! 现在?

Once your laundry is sorted, you can begin washing. 这 sounds easy, but between your washer’s various cycles, 速度, 温度(以及你的烘干机众多类似宇宙飞船的设置), it can start to feel overwhelming. 


  • 洗涤剂 – While there are loads of detergents out there to choose from, 你最好的选择是选择对你的衣服、皮肤和环境友好的衣服. 我们喜欢我们的 ECOS Hypoallergenic 洗衣 洗涤剂 with Enzymes for 当 things get extra messy, 和 our ECOS Plant-Powered 洗衣 洗涤剂 Sheets are your go-to for an easy-to-use, zero waste option. 
  • Cycle speed 和 length – For most laundry, a regular cycle length 和 speed are appropriate. 然而,总是使用一个低或精致的设置为你的针织和精致.
  • Dryer time 和 temperature -虽然花点时间在桑拿浴室听起来像一个梦想,我们大多数人, the dryer is where most of your clothes get damaged. Taking your wash out as soon as it’s dry, whether it is a 毛巾 dried on hot or a delicate dried on low, 这对保持织物的最佳状态至关重要(并避免因等待时间过长而产生额外的皱纹)。.


  • Turn items inside out before you throw them in the hamper
  • Pre-sort laundry using a partitioned hamper 
  • Always pre-treat stains
  • Use a mesh bag for delicates
  • Wash full loads to save energy
  • Line dry 当 possible
  • Wash in cold water to reduce up to 90% of energy
  • Wash during off-peak times (before 4 pm or after 7 pm)
  • 每次装完衣服后,都要清洗烘干机的绒毛收集器,这样烘干机工作得更快,用电量更少



在你去买洗衣粉,完成你的洗衣房改造之前 天才, you should know 哪一个 ingredients to avoid, too. 

一些常见的洗涤剂含有有毒的化学物质,对我们和环境都有刺激性, 包括:

  • 染料
  • 1,4 -二恶烷
  • Chlorine bleach
  • Optical brighteners
  • 甲醛



ECOS 洗涤剂s for a Safer Clean

We’ve been committed to creating eco-conscious cleaning products for over 50 years. 我们的洗衣粉采用易于生物降解的配方,为您提供最好的洗涤效果,同时保护我们的地球免受有害成分的侵害. 事实上,我们甚至列出了500多种需要注意的有害化学物质,名为 它们.